Dutchess Abroad

J u d i t h   v a n   P r a a g

hey 2004-present
hey 1990-2003
hey 1980-1989
hey 1955-1979

thumbnail of self portrait in pastels

Art Exhibits 
Stage Design 

Man in Space/ The Estranger - by / director: Judith van Praag: solo art installation, painting/ sculpture/ costumes, performance within art installation — at the Amsterdam Oosterkerk, NL.

photo of Estranger art installation - photo loads in background


Stichting Akoustisch Beeldend Landschap

S'ABeL (Stichting Akoustisch Beeldend Landschap), is a not for profit art organization founded in 1984 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, by conceptual artist Judith van Praag, to create musical and visual landscapes, or theatrical art installations at unusual or –off the track– venues. Board members: Jeannette Dijkema-Storm MD, Alice Koot-duBuy MBA, Paul Mulder DDS, Kees Verkooyen, southeast Asia guide.

In 1986 the Amsterdam Art Council awarded S'ABeL 50 thousand guilders to develop the first installment of "The Estranger", a multimedia art performance.

"Man in Space", a multimedia recital, was presented in 1988 at the Oosterkerk in Amsterdam. Jeff Hamburg composed an acoustical space, a reflection of Van Praag's painterly set; the result a non-static environment.

Judith performing in the Estranger in Oosterkerk
1988: Judith performing
in the 'Estranger'
in Oosterkerk

Music on tape by Paul Koek (percussion) and Eleonore Pameijer (flutes). Stage performance by Eddie Bal (flamenco and modern dance), and Judith van Praag (guide: vocals). Concept, set (paintings) & costumes: Judith van Praag. Repetitor: Dea Koert, make-up artist: R.M. Albert de Kluijver. Sculpture built by: Wim de Haas, sound: Robert Soen, lighting & technique: Niko van der Klugt.

Man in Space banners ©1988, Judith van Praag - acrylic paintings on interfacing.

photos courtesy Jean van Lingen

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All art, photos, and text by Judith van Praag unless noted otherwise

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Portraits in Color or Words